Nov 2016 Q5 a.
i) Explain the term Revenue Management. (3 marks)
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This is the recognition, measurement and accounting for revenue. It also involves the management of the potential and actual revenue of an organisation in such a way as to ensure that revenues due are properly collected and accounted for.
ii) Identify THREE procedures involved in Revenue Management. (3 marks)
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- Identification and documentation of various sources of revenue available for the MDA;
- Provision of information to management on guidance and practices to promote the collection of such revenue;
- Establishment of management and accounting policies and procedures for revenue mobilization and collection;
- Establishment of internal control system for revenue management;
- Posting of key personnel to take charge of revenue management;
- Establishment of roles and responsibilities of revenue personnel;
- Revenue should be properly receipted and promptly paid in gross into the designated bank account of MDA.